Friday, May 26, 2006

American Catholic history

Catholic News Service reports here:
While writing two books on Catholic history, Kevin Schmiesing discovered that "although there was a wealth of information pertaining to American Catholic history on the Web no one had collected and organized it." To fill that gap, Schmiesing has launched a new Web site devoted to American Catholic history at Intended as a resource for students, teachers and researchers, the site displays important events, people and places, organized by time period, and offers lists of suggested readings on topics such as "Catholics in time of war." The "Spotlight" feature looks at a subject currently in the news from the perspective of its significance in Catholic history. Recent topics have included immigration, Catholics on the Supreme Court and Catholics in Hollywood.

Was it John Adams who wanted to deny Catholic the vote? Do people know about anti-Catholic prejudices in our history? Anyone ever been called a mackerel-snapper? As Catholics, we have much to be proud of, but let us never forget that we were not always welcome in this country, and let us use that memory to remind us to always reach out to others.